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Smart Parking

Ever wondered how technology is going to change the lives of car drivers in Singapore?

Many who drive would agree about the frustration of entering a carpark and not being able to find car park lots, or having to queue to enter a busy car park especially on a rainy day.

Smart Parking, is a scenario we are beginning to see in Singapore. Today you can park your car and find out where you have parked your car. With Smart Parking, car park operators have better management of precious parking space, with data analysis to provide better user experience.

PesParking offers the following solutions:

  • Parking Space Management PesParking helps zone out cars for Season Parking, Hourly Parking, Residential Parking and Visitor Parking. This helps car park operators to have better utilization of space and for drivers to use car parks more seamlessly.

  • Online Booking With Smart Parking, car park users can do online bookings for car park spaces for important events, and to get complimentary tickets with associated shopping malls or dining places.

  • VIP and Blacklist Management Car Park operators can also zone out VIP and Blacklist for more effective management of parking space and facility.

  • Big Data Analysis With Pensees’ PesParking, car park operators can receive daily, weekly and monthly reports regarding the utilisation of different car parking zones, and make necessary changes to its car park schemes after data analysis.

Call us to further understand PesParking at 69698658 (General Line) or 8893 0056 (Sales Line) for a discussion today. For more details, please refer to: .



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